Sunday, December 20, 2009

Vampire Love

For all of you Twihards out there, I have rounded up a few gifts for you, like the AWESOME Women's Love Story tee that generous AAAD Reader Pablo bought me for Hanukkah. This would be a hit for about 68 of my friends. LOVES IT!

But first! AAAD Reader Pam's long-awaited New Moon review.

I suppose you could say I am mildly obsessed with Twilight. I’ve read the books twice, seen the original movie hundreds of times and own lots of merchandise (my favorite being my life-size cut out of Edward). I even have Twilight The Game (yes, they turned the movie into a board game). So, is it really any surprise that I would among the thousands of women waiting in line to see the midnight screening of New Moon? Yeah, didn’t think so.

I thought this movie was much better than the original. Mainly because New Moon is my favorite book of the series and the movie stayed pretty true to book (10 points for director Chris Wentz!). The acting overall is better (no stuttering KStew or accent slip-ups from RPatz), there were some nice CGI effects (water sequence, not the wolves), and a buff Taylor Lautner is given at least 30 minutes of screen time without his shirt on.

OK, now to the parts I could have done without:
1) The Sound of Music-esque running-in-the-woods sequence. I mean, really? The 1800’s costumes were laughable, as was seeing the two run around barefoot in the forest. Can we say foot fungus? Gross.
2) Taylor’s first chest reveal. “Oh Bella! You’re bleeding, so let me strip off my tee so you can use it to stop the bleeding.” Yeah, that really happens. Couldn’t he have just ripped a part of his shirt off vs. the entire thing? It’s not as if we would not be able to admire Taylor’s 35 lbs of extra muscle later in the film. Jeez…
3) Matrix fighting sequence in Volterra: To me, this was that scene that declares “Hey, look! We have more money to do slow-motion fight scenes. In your face Catherine Hardwick!”
4) Jasper’s hair: WTF? Since when did Jasper begin channeling Greg Brady? Let’s hope the stylist shows this guy more love in the next movie, since he’s more pivotal in Eclipse.
5) Jasper’s constant look of constipation: Someone get this man some Exlax. STAT!

With that said, I will probably see this one more time in the theatres and be one of the first to get the DVD in March 2010. Will this movie win any awards? Outside of the MTV Popcorn Trophy or Kids’ Choice Award, probably not. But it’s silly, cheesy and just plain fun. And, did I mention 30 minutes of a shirtless Taylor Lautner?

Thanks for the review, Pam! What did YOU think?

For all of you Team Edward fans, why not add a Twilight Wall Decal to your bedroom as you dream of Edward?

Just look at the swoon!

Pia The Pig

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