Wednesday, January 26, 2011

High Tops, High Style

I was lucky enough to get to spend the weekend with my BFF Katie and her family, who created a lovely baby shower for a relative that I can't wait to share. Katie is more stylish without trying every time I see her. You might remember me mentioning her red Vans sneakers and how I immediately stole slash adopted those into my own wardrobe. Shockingly enough, her latest sneaker is one I did not see coming into my closet so easily. She had skinny jeans rolled up just hitting the perfect height on her classic black Converse high-tops.

Now, I have shied away from Converse since everyone and their hipster uncle at my office and really everywhere has them, but I really rarely see the high-tops and they looked so fetch on an adorable girl who made them her own.

So now I am stealing them. Probably in red.

Possibly brown.

I would have never thought I'd be into this, but seeing is/was believing.

Finally, no matter what happens in this world, one thing we can all count on is that my nephew (and probably every child I will ever buy a present for) will be getting THESE AWESOME SHOES IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER.

Pia The Pig

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