Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Are Who You Deafen Yourself By

shirt via Threadless

Tonight my friend and AAAD Reader Allison and I discussed going to the upcoming Vampire Weekend concert, which I dubbed Hipsterfest 2010 (although that's sure to be Coachella or one of the 6623 upcoming musical festivals that are so underground they are already dead because they have already gotten cool and then gotten to be "too cool" and therefore died. What? I don't know.

Whatevever, it reminded me of this great post that Katie sent me: Stereotyping People By Their Favorite Indie Bands.

This list of full of bands I am clearly not even near cool enough to know let alone dub my favorite. But, my favorite one listed would be DCFC, which would put me in the category of "Girls who quote lyrics as their Facebook status."

Who are YOU?
Pia The Pig


  1. This list is dead on. I am that girl who bought checkered vans in 8th grade. And old school keds last year trying to recreate that look. Sigh.

  2. Kid Cudi: Blipsters who still wear neon shoes and smoke pot.

    I'm not exactly sure what that means...

  3. M.I.A. - Girls who don't understand politics.





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