Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Soundtrack of Since We Last Spoke

As mentioned, I've taken an obvious blog break. Well, I'm back again and decided to make time each morning alongside my coffee and granola to update the blog. You see, my days have changed a bit since we last spoke. On the walk I mentioned in the last post, I turned on my ipod on shuffle (for the first time in awhile...) and this post ended up sort of writing itself. The first six songs summed up quite well what's been going on....but I will elaborate a little bit.

1. Man-Revolutionary! Rogue Wave
"Will I know if I stay here tomorrow? Will I know I won't be just fine?"

I couldn't stay at my day job any longer. I was worn out, uninspired, bored yet busy, and beat down. So...

2. Feeling Good, Michael Buble
"Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life"

I left. Four weeks ago. Took a deep breath and quit. I planned this for awhile, emotionally and financially. That helped, but it's still a leap. And now I am free.

3. No Matter What, Sonya Kitchell
"She's a crazy girl
She needs an intervention
She has lost her world
And no one cares to mention

She just needs someone to help her out
She needs someone to say, "hey, what's it all about"
She needs a little bit of love and care
And most of all she needs someone to say

I will be there for you
No matter what you do
I'll be there for you
No matter what you say
I'll be there today
No matter what you do
I'll be there for you
Yeah, you know it's true"

Before I quit my job, I'd been working 8:30-6ish at my day job, and coming home and working from about 7-2am on my business. I worked on my business before work, on my lunch hour, nights and weekends. I love it. But it was lonely sometimes. Just me and the computer. I was in a work trance. It felt fine until I realized my computer wasn't able to hug me back.

4. One Girl Revolution, Saving Jane
"I'm here to start a one girl revolution
I'm not the girl next door anymore
Baby I'm an institution"

So I quit to focus on my business, Stamped Paper Company. I've been creating custom invitations for years, and now it's bloomed enough for me to stay happy and busy and more importantly, fulfilled! It's just me and I got the nerve to finally leave the job that held my schedule too tight. I listened to this song a lot over the past year and half. It's awesome.

5. On A String, The Changes
"In my head
On the street
The things I see
Just because
Because I feel
So free"

And now...I'm happy. I waited so super patiently long for the day I could go out on my own. I pushed. Pushed. Pushed. Kept my eye on the prize. Thought of the dedication of Nastia and my favorite gymnasts when I had to. Drank large coffees when I had to. Said "no thanks" to happy hours and parties and distractions and just prayed and prayed I could find the finish line. And now I have. And I am free. But I am not walking around alone...

6. Teenage Dream, Katy Perry
"My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back"

Because lucky for me, Mr. Awesome has appeared in my life. Yes, I waited a long time to quit my job to focus on Stamped, but I've waited eight times as long for the right Partner In Crime to come along into my arms. Found him. He's sweet like candy and sour enough to give him an edge. We're a great match and having the best time. Finally. I'm having fun and importantly, found a balance. I waited and asked for one dream and I got two. Now I am walking in the sunshine and smiling.

Couldn't have done it without family and friends, especially Katie, Gina, Kellyn, Lynn, Melissa, and Paige. And this blog and this necklace.

This brings us current. Now bring on the awesome.

I've missed you!
Pia The Pig


  1. We couldn't be happier for you! Well deserved. Mom & Dad

  2. It's so great to hear you're happy and inspired. You inspire me!



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