Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Cart Full of Daisies

So I went on a little backblog journey through Eat Drink Chic and bookmarked about 50 posts, but I CANNOT wait another minute before posting about Katie Daisy, who I discovered from this post. I love her style! Katie's work puts a smile on my face and a drop to my jaw when I read she's only 23. I have a cart full of her prints on Etsy and can't wait to smile at them every time I glance at them. Enjoy!

Land of Ampersand

Be Filled With Joy

Live In Awe(some)

Love What You Do (great sentiment!)

This Teach Love print makes me think of my sweet mom and Allison.

And this Going To California, of Lynn.

These state prints are awesome. She's planning on releasing a book of all 50. I'd buy that. Lots more to admire here.

And by the way, how awesome is the name Katie Daisy? So fresh!
Pia The Pig

1 comment:

  1. Katie Daisy. What an awesome name! I love these prints, especially the ampersand.



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