Friends, last week was officially named (WHO GETS TO PLAY GOD ON FACEBOOK?) Doppelganger Week on Facebook. I had many friends who posted photos of gorgeous celebrities. Now, I have some very blessed friends in the department of beauty, but come on, let's keep it real. Not every blonde friend of mine looks like Cameron Diaz. Sorry, dudes.
So, as posted on FB, I posted a photo of the misfit teen of the 90's, the girl I have been told I resemble easily over 100 times, Sara Gilbert, aka "Darlene" on Roseanne. Ah, the apathy. The hair. The flannel. Well, now you can relive all of the greatness of my teenage look-alike (my parents nor I see it) and all of the AWESOMELY-BAD fashions of Roseanne at
Third and Delaware: A blog dedicated to the fashion greatness of every episode of Roseanne.

Gotta love it. Thanks, Amy of
Old Sweet Song for the link.
Flannel. Forever.
Pia The Pig